SONY KD-55XH9077 Software Free Download

SONY KD-55XH9077 LED TV New Software Free Download. SONY KD-55XH9077 Smart 4K LED TV Updated Firmware Download.

SONY KD-55XH9077 Smart LED Specifications:

Brand:  Sony

Model: SONY KD-55XH9077

OS: Android

File Version: 6.2210

File size: 1796507198 bytes

Release Date: 06-12-2023

Compressed File Name:

sony kd-55xh9077 software

Download SONY KD-55XH9077 LED TV Latest Firmware For Free :

Important warning

  • Read the specified instructions carefully. Otherwise, your television may not respond to operations or may require repair.
  • Do not turn off your TV or unplug it from the power source during the update.
  • Do not press any buttons other than those specified in the instructions.
  • Stop all recordings before starting the firmware update (USB HDD recording-enabled models only).

Guide to Downloading and install SONY KD-55XH9077 LED TV Software from this Site

  • Extract the downloaded file to a location on your computer where you can easily find it.
  • Make sure a sony_tvotafull_202x_zzzzzzzzzz_yyy_auth folder is created and contains the following files:
  • sony_dtvxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx_zzzzzzzzzzzzzz_xxxx.dep
  • Insert the USB flash drive into your computer.
  • Navigate to the location where the extracted files are saved and copy (or drag and drop) the two files from the sony_tvotafull_202x_zzzzzzzzzz_yyy_auth folder to the root directory of the USB flash drive.
    Note: The root directory is the first or top directory that contains all other folders on the device.
  • Remove the USB flash drive from your computer and continue to the next section.

Step 1: Install the update

After downloading the update file and preparing your USB device, you can install the file on your TV. This process may take up to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, your television turns itself off and on again. Follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the POWER button on the TV remote for at least 3 seconds and select Restart Depending on the model and operating system, you may need to press and hold the POWER button on the remote control for approximately 5 seconds or until the Power off message appears.
  2. Make sure no other USB devices are plugged into your TV.
  3. Connect the USB flash drive containing the two extracted files to a USB port on the TV set.
    Note: On TVs with multiple USB ports, any USB port can be used.
  4. When the USB flash drive is detected, a number of different messages are displayed on the TV set. Follow the on-screen instructions.
    Note: If messages are not shown automatically, turn the TV off and on again using the remote control.
  5. When the update process starts, the TV’s POWER indicator starts blinking white and the update progress screen is displayed on the TV.
  6. After a few minutes, the TV turns off and then turns on again to complete the update process.
    WARNING! During software installation, please:

    • Do not remove the USB device
    • Do not turn off the TV
    • Do not unplug the TV from the power source
  7. The TV will automatically reboot when the update is complete.
  8. Carefully remove the USB device from the USB slot.

For other frequently asked questions on troubleshooting topics, please see the Questions and Answers section on the Sony Support Site .

File Name
sony_atvotafull_2020_1602210100 eua_auth v6.2210 – 06/12/2023
103 downloads1.7 GB
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